Adrienne St. Cyr

Live Launches for Products/Services

Introduction from Emily

As our client highlight this month, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Adrienne, a dedicated and passionate business owner who has been working with us for the past eight months. Adrienne specializes in helping women coaches, consultants, and online service providers sign high-ticket clients on LinkedIn.

Within Adrienne's business, her main strategy is using live launches. When she came to us, she had already seen success with this approach but was eager to take her results to the next level.

One of Adrienne's greatest strengths is her ability to build relationships with her audience. She understands the value of nurturing her audience and creating a memorable experience for them, and she consistently implements her process for conversations and nurturing throughout her live launches. Her approach has resulted in a significant increase in sales, proving that her dedication to building relationships with her audience is truly remarkable.

Adrienne is an exceptional business owner who is deeply committed to achieving success for herself and her clients. We feel privileged to work with such a talented and inspiring individual and look forward to supporting her in achieving continued success.

The Strategy:

Adrienne's main focus to drive sales has been through live launches, which she achieves by prioritizing relationship-building and nurturing her audience. By creating numerous opportunities for conversation and connection, Adrienne has seen a significant increase in sales. For her most recent launch, we implemented a longer 'open cart' period than we typically recommend, based on her historical success with this strategy.

Additionally, our team has been working with Adrienne to increase her lead generation and nurturing efforts in between live launches. By being consistent with her marketing and having our team continue to refine her ad copy and creative based on top performers, Adrienne has been able to build her audience and achieve even greater success.

The Results:

Adrienne's successful strategy of live launches and consistent marketing efforts have led to impressive results, including a high return on ad spend (ROAS) of 3.95x. By prioritizing relationship-building and nurturing her audience, she has been able to significantly increase her conversions and revenue.

During her most recent launch, she achieved a high conversion rate, resulting in a strong ROAS that exceeded her expectations. Overall, Adrienne's willingness to test and customize her approach, as well as her focus on building and nurturing relationships with her audience, have been key factors in the success of her business.

The Impact:

Adrienne is experiencing remarkable growth in her business since partnering with us. With our support, she has been able to expand her business to new heights, allowing her to devote more time to content creation and engaging with her audience. Our team takes care of all her marketing needs, enabling Adrienne to focus on what she does best. She has expressed her appreciation for our exceptional copywriting and creative work, which surpasses anything she could achieve on her own. Adrienne is particularly impressed by the depth and quality we bring to her business and overall strategy, considering our collaboration as the best she has ever experienced.

Top Performing Ads:

Highest Registration Volume

Highest Click Through Rate

Lowest Registration Cost

The Team That Has Helped Adrienne


The strategist played a crucial role in Adrienne's success by formulating an effective marketing strategy for paid ads. Our strategist keeps in mind what has been working while bringing in best practices to make a successful launch.

Account Manager:

The account manager is responsible for keeping communication with Adrienne and offering recommendation and supports through her launch. They provide updates on what is working and what is not, suggesting potential improvements and adjustments to optimize Adrienne's launch

Ads Manager: 

The ads manager played a pivotal role in Adrienne's marketing success by overseeing her advertising campaigns. They set up the ads, found the best targeting, optimized the ads performance, and tracked key metrics to maximize the impact of Adrienne's marketing efforts.


The copywriter's skillful writing was instrumental in Adrienne's achievements. They crafted compelling and persuasive ads to effectively communicate Adrienne's brand message and engage her ideal client.


The designer's creative expertise greatly contributed to Adrienne's success by creating visually appealing and impactful assets. They designed eye-catching graphics to stop the scroll and encourage conversion.

Together, as an entire team, they provided Adrienne with the best results resulting in her overall business and launch success.


Powerhouse Team


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