Take your business to new heights

using cutting-edge strategies that are PROVEN to generate sales and grow your business




in this current economy


Ad Spend We’ve Managed
Ad Revenue Generated
Average ROIs
Businesses Impacted

We approach your business as a WHOLE and develop a custom marketing strategy guaranteed to:

 Drive massive traffic to your business
 Attract warm, aligned leads that are excited about your offer
 Convert ideal customers on autopilot
 And most important, we infuse your offer and custom strategy with your unique purpose, knowledge, and skillsets to craft something truly magnetic and irresistible

We approach your business as a WHOLE and develop a custom marketing strategy guaranteed to:

 Drive massive traffic to your business
 Attract warm, aligned leads that are excited about your offer
 Convert ideal customers on autopilot
 And most important, we infuse your offer and custom strategy with your unique purpose, knowledge, and skillsets to craft something truly magnetic and irresistible

We simply provide the proven, tried, and true methods so that you can allow your creativity to flow with confidence, KNOWING that every single thing you do is going to lead to money in the bank

NO ONE ELSE does marketing like us, which is why our clients are seeing massive results even in a challenging economic climate

Most if not ALL other coaches and agencies don't base your marketing strategy around where you are in your business.

 Trying to implement a 7-figure strategy for a brand new business is never going to work. 
 It’s not going take you from “zero to $10k in 30 days”, it’s going take you from excited to overwhelmed and frustrated in about a week. 
 The fastest way to streamline your success is to do exactly what your business requires of you RIGHT NOW to get to the next level.

We are your strategic business partner committed to consistently, sustainably, and rapidly scaling your business from zero to multiple 7-figures and beyond!

We approach your business as a WHOLE and develop a custom marketing strategy guaranteed to:

 Drive massive traffic to your business
 Attract warm, aligned leads that are excited about your offer
 Convert ideal customers on autopilot
 And most important, we infuse your offer and custom strategy with your unique purpose, knowledge, and skillsets to craft something truly magnetic and irresistible

We simply provide the proven, tried, and true methods so that you can allow your creativity to flow with confidence, KNOWING that every single thing you do is going to lead to money in the bank

Your strategy needs to fit with the

Depending on these milestones, where do you fall in these 4 categories?

 You’re in the beginning stages of your business trying to get off the ground

 Making $0-$59,999/year
 You want to start making consistent sales

 You’re in the thick of running a business and gaining momentum

 Making $60,000 - 6-figures/year
 You want to start automating traffic to your offers


 Making $1M - $2.9M/year
 You want to expand your offer suite and grow your business


 Making $3M - $10M+/year
 You want to become a giant in your industry

Marketing is not just posting on social media or throwing some money at an ad and crossing your fingers hoping that algorithm will bless you with sales…

Successful, PROFITABLE marketing requires a holistic approach where we address EVERY facet of your buyer’s journey

We make your ENTIRE sales ecosystem completely magnetic and irresistible to your audience

This is why our clients achieve results that are abnormal for the online business space. In an economy where buyers are more hesitant than ever, the market is saturated, and there is a ton of noise on social media our clients are CRUSHING their revenue goals quarter after quarter.

There is a reason and a method behind WHY this is happening. And the answer is our team, our process and our proprietary strategies.

"They were incredibly reliable, dedicated and handled the complexity of our campaign with total ease. Not only did they over deliver with high conversions (yes, please!), they also treated my business like it was their own.

The cherry on the top was that we had anticipated spending close to $10 per lead — based on the previous year’s campaign — and they were able to get the cost down closer to $5 per lead! I was so excited to see that number literally spliced in half thanks to their expertise, attention to detail, and knowledge."

-Amy Porterfield

There are 4 phases of business

Tier 1

You’re in the beginning stages of your business trying to get off the ground Making $0-$59,999/year
You want to start making consistent sales and feel confident in a proven offer

If you’re just starting out in your entrepreneurial journey, or you consider yourself a “beginner” then you’re in the…

Connector Phase
You’re trying to get clarity around your offer & niche
You’re in the process of building your digital audience
You’re in full-on hustle mode, trading time for money
You JUST want to figure out how to make consistent sales

For this phase of your business, we have 
a done-WITH-you program that will:

 Help you deeply connect with your ideal customer and warm up your audience so that we’re building a strategy on top of a strong foundation
 Create an irresistible offer that your ICA won’t be able to resist and will feel easy to sell
 Develop a marketing strategy that will immediately secure your first 5-10 sales and validate your offer with your audience. Putting money in your bank to invest back into a bigger strategy
We have a client, Dianne, who came into one of our done-with-you programs from a free training and ended up bringing in 2,000 new customers and over $100,000 in sales with the marketing strategy we created for her.

Results from others in the CONNECTOR Phase

Tier 2

You’re in the thick of running a business and gaining momentum Making $60,000 - 6-figures/year
You want to start automating traffic to your offers

If you have a business that’s starting to gain momentum, you have a warm audience and an offer that you’ve sold a handful of times, and now you’re ready to take things to the next level, then you’re in the

Builder Phase
You’re ready to start getting some support. You’re not ready for a full team but you can’t do it all on your own anymore
You want to leverage more systems so you can be in your zone of genius while still seeing your business grow

You need a complete sales funnel that predictably brings in leads & sales every single day

You want sales to come in on auto-pilot so you feel confident & secure in your revenue and business growth

For this phase of your business, we have 
a collaborative program of done-WITH-you + done-FOR-YOU support that will:

 Develop a custom strategy for your unique business that generates leads and converts those leads into sales. Transitioning you from hustling for every sale to creating a consistent marketing machine.
 Build out a funnel (lead gen, email marketing & conversion) that is stands out from the noise and results in DAILY leads and sales
 Done-FOR-you copywriting, graphics, and tech services + coaching so that you can have massive support without needing to hire on a full team
 Get ads launched to your custom marketing strategy so that you can strategically drive traffic to your sales funnel every day without having to show up on social media all the time

Results from others in the BUILDER Phase

Tier 3

You’re a certified CEO looking to take your company to the next level Making $1M - $2.9M/year
You want to expand your offer suite and grow your business

If you’re in the thick of running your business and you’re ready to take things to the next level by creating more offers and expanding your reach, then you’re in the

Expander Phase
You have a FULLY validated offer, your audience is HOT and you’re confidently expanding your biz

You’re willing to trade money for time via FB ads, b/c your time is way too valuable to waste. You want to reach as many ideal customers as possible.
You need true experts you can trust to drive & execute your marketing strategy so that you can focus on operating as the visionary

You want to reach more buyers in your audience with multiple different offers and funnels. You’re ready to SCALE as fast as possible.

For this phase of your business, we have a done-FOR-you management & coaching program that will:

 Provide a deep audit of your existing marketing strategy and identify the holes and opportunities as well as create new components to your strategy so that we’re maximizing your reach & revenue!
 Completely take strategy development & Facebook ads off of your plate, constantly refining and optimizing them to increase traffic and sales
 Provide you with unlimited custom copy and creative assets that are designed to attract and convert your ideal customers
 Have you working 1:1 with an expert strategist who’s entire job is to take your business to the next level and help you achieve your revenue goals

This is like having an entire team of experts working on your business WITHOUT having to put them on payroll

Meet one of our clients, Mallory… 

Mallory has proven that it doesn't always require sales calls to sell your course and that you can sell it to a new audience during a live event!
She closed 2023 with $294,474 in revenue!

When Mallory came to us she was scared to make the investment in her business, but she was burnt out on sales calls and yet still wanted to make more money in her business.

Once she signed up for our done-FOR-you program, we put together a 5-day challenge, and Mallory made a total of $43k from the launch (43x ROAS)

Since then she has continued to raise the bar in her business and revenue and in Q1 she had her first 6-figure LAUNCH!

Results from others in the EXPANDER Phase

Tier 4

You have a successful company and you’re stepping into the role of “visionary CEO” 
Making $3M - $10M+/year. You want to become a giant in your industry

If you’re in the thick of running your business and you’re ready to take things to the next level by creating more offers and expanding your reach, then you’re in the

Multiplier Phase
You already know that your offer sells, now you want to scale your revenue to $10M+

You need winning support who understands how to serve at the multiple 7-figure level

You need your marketing automated and constantly being analyzed and improved so that you can be the visionary CEO and allow experts to tell YOU what to do
You’re spreading your message across multiple media channels 
& becoming a household name

For this phase of your business, we have our 
all-inclusive, done-FOR-you program that will:

 Equip you with a unique, custom marketing strategy that is specifically designed for the multiple 7-figure level and is capable of multiplying your current reach across many channels.

Emily KNOWS that this stage of business is unlike any other and requires completely different strategies, methods, and approaches.

We are on the frontlines of cutting-edge digital marketing that is CURRENTLY working and relevant in the digital sphere. There is no team more versed in keeping businesses like yours in authoritative, leadership positions in your industry.

 Secure you with a high-level, expert marketing team that will position you at the top of the online business space. Let us handle everything from your marketing strategy, your sales funnel execution, your copy and creative, ads management, offer refinement, and daily optimization to ensure we’re always refining & scaling what’s working.
 Stay high-touch with you so that you can comfortably live in your zone of genius and act as the visionary CEO of your company while feeling secure knowing that you’re up-to-date on every single thing going on in your business.

Our goal is for you to enjoy this season of your business and reap the rewards of being a CEO while your company continues to grow and become more profitable than ever.

Results from others in the MULTIPLIER Phase

Not sure which category you fit in?

Not sure which

category you fit in?

Most if not ALL other coaches and agencies don't base your marketing strategy around where you are in your business.

We will personally help you assess where you are in your business right now, the revenue you want to reach in the next 90 days, and the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

From there we will help you determine which of our programs or resources are a right fit for you. We have options for EVERY stage of business (from zero to multiple 7-figures) as well as done-WITH-you, and done-FOR-you options to ensure that no matter your marketing budget, we can help you reach your next level.

This approach has served over 1,000 businesses in all different industries, generating $129M in client revenue. We are one of the ONLY marketing agencies with strategies that are proven to increase traffic and sales consistently in this current economy.
This is a completely free, no-obligation consultation call that is meant to simply help you identify your most aligned next steps to achieve the revenue and sales you want.

At Embodied Marketing, we don’t have clients…

We’ve worked with 100’s of businesses across multiple industries to create completely custom strategies and help them explode their revenue while buying back their time and energy.
Hirsh Marketing has been a collaborative partner in list building, strategy and executing against deadline-oriented launches. We worked with the HM Team for over 1 year and during that time our brand awareness greatly increased, resulting in “The 5 Second Rule” becoming an international best-seller.

– Mel Robbins

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