Camille Attell

Selling Products or Services with Webinars

Introduction from Emily

This month I’m proud to be featuring one of our powerhouse Market Like A Pro students, Camille Attell, and all the success she had with her recent launch! Camille helps semi-retirees get remote work, either working for someone else or for themselves. She has a coaching program and a course.

Before joining Market Like A Pro, Camille had run her own ads and had tried hiring an ads manager, but she said it had always been “hit and miss” and found that trying to do it all herself was really confusing! Camille realized that she didn’t have a cohesive marketing strategy and that she knew a little bit about various parts of marketing, but she felt like she was not in control and that her results were just “luck” or that there was something wrong with HER when she couldn’t get the results she wanted!

Camille joined MLAP in January and implemented the Hirsh Process. First she set up her visibility ads using videos, then she moved into lead conversion ads for her evergreen webinar that leads to her course, Remote Work School. Using our methodology (that IS NOT just “post on social media and email your list”) she was able to see the results she needed. She made projections for her sales and revenue and followed a process that makes marketing results predictable. This helped her feel so much more in control of the growth of her business than ever before, and that is truly exciting to see!
We have truly enjoyed working with Camille in our Market Like A Pro consultancy - so much so that she is now also one of our coaches! I’m so impressed with how she shows up for her own audience and clients, and now how she does the same for our clients!

The Strategy:

Camille’s main strategy with this launch was to bring in leads to her webinar using lead ads on Facebook. She also pitched the webinar to her list. Everyone who signed up for the webinar got a series of OpenCart emails after the webinar with a limited time bonus during the open cart period. She was able to leverage her current list and focused her ad spend on bringing in new leads for the webinar.

With the help of her Market Like A Pro coach and support system, including the weekly group calls, the messaging and sales support, plus the weekly ad audits helped her be able to set clear goals, refine her launch strategy and see the results of proven marketing strategies.

This is also an excellent example of utilizing your warm audience and creating a cash infusion in your business!

The Results:

Total Ad Spend: $1,500
Total Revenue: $8,500
Sales Conversion: 16%
Average Order Value: $497
Return On Ad Spend: 5.6X

The Impact:

What an impact we’ve made during our time working together! Not only has Camille been able to refine a launch strategy that WORKS and is finally hitting her goals, but even more, this support from Market Like A Pro has allowed Camille to increase the impact she has on her audience. Now that she is effectively connecting to new leads who convert at such a high rate, she’s impacting her audience who then is able to serve their audience at their best. The impact is truly limitless!

Campaign Key Takeaways:

Don't Be Afraid To Go All In

One thing that Camille told us about this launch was that she COULD have spent more on ads to bring in more leads, because they converted so well! She was a bit timid with her budget because she had been feeling rusty with her ads, and she now knows that she can go all in on her lead generation budget for a launch because she’s proven that her webinar and her offer converts!

Marketing Is All About Testing

Marketing is a continuous process of testing until you find what works. Even if you implement a strategy and find that it completely tanks - you have that data and can use it to inform your decisions to refine, improve, and test something new. Camille feels that she now has what it takes to understand the metrics so she can continue to test and refine, using proven marketing strategies!

Top Performing Ad:


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