Christie Austin-Hore

Selling Products or Services with Webinars

Introduction from Emily

I am thrilled to spotlight one of our Elite clients, Christie Lee Austin-Hore, this month. Christie is a dietitian who helps people with endometriosis take charge of their health. She gives them advice and support as they learn how to manage their condition and helps them make healthy changes to their habits and lifestyle.

Christie’s core offer called "Beat The Endo Belly" is a 6 month online program that teaches her signature 3-ingredient framework using video education, downloadable resources, group coaching and a community of other supportive "Endowarriors".

Thanks to Christie's help, her clients are able to take control of their health so that they can get back to living their life with more fulfilment and joy.

We are proud to have Christie as a valued member of our team and believe she is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their health and well-being while living with endometriosis.

The Strategy:

To generate sales for Christie’s “Beat The Endo Belly” program, we developed a strategy that involved using ads to drive traffic to a webinar opt-in page. Once someone had signed up for the webinar, they were directed to the actual webinar where they were given education, along with more information about the program and how it could benefit them. After the webinar, potential clients were directed to an application page where they could submit their application for the program.

Overall, our strategy centered around using ads to attract potential clients and then guiding them through a series of steps that would ultimately lead to a sale. In December, we were able to reach a large audience and attract a good number of qualified leads.

The Results:

In December, we were able to achieve some great results for Christie through our ad campaign. We generated 23 applications for the program. Out of those applications, 10 were qualified and 4 resulted in purchases. This resulted in a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 2.30x.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of leading from a webinar to an application. Webinars are still working to this day and can be a powerful strategy to bring in qualified leads when done effectively.

The Impact:

Our ad campaign in December really paid off for Christie and her business.

 We were able to drive sales for her program and bring an increase in revenue (2.30x ROAS). Not only did this have a financial benefit for Christie, but it also meant that more people were able to access and benefit from her program.

We reached a large audience with our ads and attracted a good number of qualified leads, which helped to increase the visibility of Christie's program and make it more accessible to a wider group of people. It was great to see so many people benefit from Christie's expertise and dedication, and we're really happy to have played a part in that.

Campaign Key Takeaways:

  • Targeting a specific audience: One of the key takeaways from this campaign has been the importance of targeting a specific audience and addressing their specific needs. By focusing on a specific group of clients, such as women with endometriosis, we are able to more effectively tailor our advertising efforts and reach the ideal customers for Christie's program. This approach allows us to become specialists in a particular area and more effectively meet the needs of our clients.
  • Amplifying organic success with paid ads: In order to drive sales for Christie's program, we started by identifying what was already working well organically and amplifying it through paid ads. We made a few changes to make sure it would be effective with this new group of people, and then we started testing it out. By taking this approach, we were able to build upon the success she had already seen and reach a wider audience with our advertising efforts.
  • Testing different marketing approaches: We tried two different marketing strategies: one that started with an opt-in and led to the webinar, which then led to the application, and one that went straight from ads to the webinar and then to the application. We weren't sure which one would work better, so we started with a 50/50 budget for both. After the first two weeks, the webinar was doing better, so we changed the budget to 70/30 and put more money into the webinar. Once the webinar had a 3x return on investment, we put all the budget into it and increased the overall budget for the account.
  • ​Increasing profitability with downsells for unqualified leads: One of our biggest opportunities right now is increasing the number of sales we can get from the leads not qualified for her main program. We helped Christie develop a downsell and that’s begun selling to the leads who apply but aren’t qualified, adding to her overall profitability even more.

Top Performing Ads:

Our most successful creative for driving conversions for Christie has been front-facing speaking videos with captions. 

These videos have performed exceptionally well across all of our accounts. Christie's personal connection to the specific diagnosis she speaks about in these videos resonates with her clients and makes them more likely to engage with the funnel when she directly addresses them. 

This approach has proven to be extremely effective in driving conversions and has had a powerful impact on our campaigns.


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