Chris Watters


The Before:

Chris started selling real estate in Austin Texas in 2010. Frustrated by slow growth, struggling to build a reliable team of agents, and overworked to the point where he felt like his life was one big 24/7 open house, he knew something had to change...

Through mentorship and a lot of trial and error he was able to develop repeatable and scalable processes to switch from a solo agent to running a business of agents. Next, began his mission to help other real estate agents avoid the struggles he had just faced.

Chris and his team now teach others how to “Fire themselves as an agent… and Hire themselves as a CEO.”

They provide the training and tools agents need to get started quickly without wasting tons of money figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

Chris was new to running Facebook Ads, but knew that they would be important in spreading his message and impact (we couldn’t help but to agree).

Keep on reading to uncover the campaign secrets we used to create a successful custom funnel for his business.

The Details:

Chris has several offers that all led to his webinar where he pitches his 90-Day Masterclass priced at $1,497. 

During this launch we used his book titled “The Million Dollar Real Estate Team” as a lead magnet for potential customers. 

Those who bought the book would be likely to have an interest in learning how to start their own real estate business. Once the book was purchased, buyers were offered a series of upsells leading up to a continuously repeating webinar which promoted his CEO Masterclass.

The Strategy:

We targeted cold and warm audiences to the book funnel as well as one of the lead gen funnels he had for an auto-webinar.
Using a Video Sales Letter (VSL) on each page of his funnel, he engaged site visitors and spoke directly to his potential client’s questions and objections.

The original landing page just had a button to buy the book that took visitors to another page for the order form.
Our team took a look at the layout of the landing page and recommended that he move the order form for the book to the right of his VSL on the first landing page rather than taking people to another page - reducing the steps needed to buy the book.

We also created an inline pixel event that tracked the order form’s button click as “Initiate Checkout” so we could retarget those that initiated checkout but did not buy the book with other sales ads.
Leads who purchased his free book were also presented with an additional offer which helped to offset Chris’s ad costs.



The Results:

The number of book sales and overall conversions deeper in the funnel immediately jumped once the layout of the first page changed. Even the upsell offers started converting at 40%. We didn't just break even on Chris' ad spend with his books and upsells, we were profitable.... this left all of his masterclass sales as pure profit!
  • Campaign Length: 8 Months
  • Total Ad Spend: $105,070.97
  • Total Book Purchases: 1,042
  • ​Total Revenue: $118,629.05
  • ​Return On Ad Spend (ROAS): 113%*
*These Numbers don't even include all of the sales he made from his CEO Masterclass as well*


Conversion Rate Strategies

We used multiple strategies to build trust with Chris’ landing page visitors as well as to overcome potential objections they had (make sure that you experiment with these as well):
  • ​A long-form sales pages with tons of social proof including testimonials and social posts
  • ​An in-depth explanation of what buyers would be getting
  • ​Comprehensive and unique money back guarantees
  • ​High-quality graphics throughout the funnel

Get Personal

Chris used personal videos in many of the steps of this funnel to speak to his customer’s objections and to share his story quickly. On the final landing page before the CEO Masterclass purchase, Chris used video to give an overview of the masterclass he was selling as a bit of a teaser and to provide more detail about why it was such a valuable training. 

This helped the retargeting ads achieve a much higher conversion rate because viewers were already familiar with Chris’ offer and story.

Multiple Roads To Profit

The front-end offer of the book alone wasn’t profitable, but the funnel ended up paying itself off and achieving a great ROI through offering upsells deeper in the funnel.
This is a very effective strategy. Users who have clicked on your ad and committed to opting in should be considered a warm lead. Take time to think about what the next logical issue this lead would have, and what you can offer to help them solve this problem. Make sure that this upsell offer has similar messaging and solves a related problem as your free opt in.


Powerhouse Team


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