Credit Repair Cloud


The Before:

Credit Repair Cloud is run by Daniel Rosen (founder and CEO) and Keenan Jones (COO). They provide software as a service and education for people who want to start a credit repair business. With 10,843 active distributors of their software, and $64 million in generated revenue, they're kinda a big deal.
Credit Repair Cloud was gearing up for a live event with a large attendance goal. Already having success with their webinar funnel from working with Hirsh Marketing, they decided to team up once again....

This time... they wanted to sell their live event out! 
(They're like the Bono of the credit repair world).
Check out the steps we took (and you can too) to drive their event funnel towards a huge success.

The Details:

Credit Repair Cloud was preparing to put on their 3rd live event in Orlando, Florida. It was a three day event with speakers, workshops, and ceremonies with prices starting at $397. Daniel and Keenan had huge goals for selling out the room of over 500 people.
Luckily, or more like, strategically.... Credit Repair Cloud was sitting on a pile of warm leads from the webinar funnel that Team Hirsh had been working on the past year.
It pays off to continually reach out and nurture your following, as you will see below....

The Strategy:

Marketing a live event is usually more difficult than online sales or launches. That's because it is a bigger commitment. Not only are you asking for the event purchase, but the cost for hotels, flights, and other arrangements. It is also a larger time commitment to plan for and attend an in person event. Here is how to overcome this….

Key points we focused on when marketing Credit Repair Cloud's event:
  • Focused on their warm audience: Unless you are a massive brand, people who have never heard of you are not going to buy a ticket with one touch point. Focus on targeting your followers who have had multiple engagements with your brand. They are much more likely to attend because the trust is already there.
  • Retargeting ads: People will check out the event details multiple times before buying. This is true with most purchases, but especially with a live event where someone needs to clear their schedule and make travel plans.
  • Highlighted past events: This was their third annual event. Our ads used videos and images from exciting moments in the past event. A little FOMO never hurt a sales ad ROI after all.
  • ​Focus on the customer: We made it obvious what the end goal of the event was for attendees. The benefit to their own business was clear with our messaging and copy.
  • ​Early Birds Get The Discount: Even though this was a 90 day campaign, we added urgency in the beginning by adding discounts for early registrants. Leads are less likely to delay their decision when their is a countdown until a price increase.









The Results:

       90 Day Promotion Period
       Total Ad Spend: $9,857
       Total Revenue: $116,789
       ROI: 1,084%
    SOLD OUT Live Event!

    The Takeaways:

    Keep Your Audience Warm

    You have already paid for a lead, make sure that they receive multiple touch points from you. Whether it is emails, live videos, or organic content, keeping your audience warm pays off huge when you make a pitch. 

    The more free value you provide your audience, the more they will trust your brand. This is even more important for live events and the majority of Credit Repair Cloud event buyers already knew who they were.

    Be Clear With Your Offer

    This is true for all offers, but with live events you need to make it obvious why someone would want to attend. Why is this event different than similar ones? What exact things will someone learn and how will it directly benefit them? What pain points are you solving with the offer? 

    Always... always... always... think about the lead on the other side of the computer screen before making an offer. Use testimonials from past participants who had common objections, such as pricing or limited time to make your event an obvious choice.

    Give Your Audience A Personal Touch

    A great strategy for live events is to build up pre event excitement. To do this you can showcase speakers who are attending, go live and show the event space, or show a behind the scenes video of the preparation that goes in to the event. 

    All of this gives more context to your audience and adds a human element to the offer. After all, connecting with your audience should be your number one priority in order to create a long lasting business.


    Powerhouse Team


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