Denise Bond

Selling Services or Programs
with Webinars (masterclass)

Introduction from Emily

I am thrilled to introduce Denise Bond, a valued client who is making waves in the world of empowerment through her community, HER Revolution.

Denise’s tenacity to make an impact was a driving force to the success we saw in the month of May.
Denise did a three-day immersive masterclass "The Unstoppable Woman Unleashed," that sets participants on a transformative journey. This powerful experience is specially crafted for female small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, reshaping their mindsets and revealing their hidden capabilities.

Recognizing the need for ongoing support, Denise has curated an exclusive group program for Unstoppable Women, available only by invitation. This program provides invaluable leadership training and support for those who have already invested in their business and seek further growth.

Before partnering with us, Denise had run her masterclass organically, but most of her leads were repeats who resonated with her empowering message but didn't invest in the next step. Seeking to expand her reach and maximize profitability, she turned to our expertise.

Together, we developed and implemented a paid ads strategy that gathered essential audience data and identified individuals ready to invest in her programs in order to become profitable.

We are honored to have Denise as a valued client and to be part of her remarkable journey.

The Strategy:

Since we knew the original masterclass attracted individuals who couldn't invest or weren't a good fit for the group program, we refined the messaging to remove "new age" references while maintaining a broad appeal. The focus shifted to targeting female entrepreneurs and Christian women, aligning with the client's coaching approach and values.

We continued utilizing a masterclass but added an application process. This allowed for a careful vetting of participants to ensure the group program's effectiveness for those selected.

With a clear understanding of the client's niche audience - female small business owners and entrepreneur-hopefuls - the products and services offered, including group and 1:1 coaching programs, were positioned to meet their specific needs. The minimum investment level for the funnel was deliberately set at $1,000 to ensure a higher level of commitment.

Throughout the campaign, data-driven decisions were made to optimize results. A last minute decision by the team to ask for additional funds (based on the previous days data) on the first day of the masterclass capitalized on positive momentum, resulting in a significant 27% increase in leads.

Overall, the strategy was meticulously planned and executed with clear intentions to target the right audience, attract a high level clientel, and really lean into data driven decisions.

The Results:

As a result of the implemented strategy, a total of $6,120 in sales was generated and banked, with an additional $7,000 in value still in the funnel for individuals who are considering the program. The ad spend for this period amounted to $2,270.48, resulting in a cost per lead of $12.34. The landing page conversion rate stood at an impressive 47%, showcasing the effectiveness of the targeted messaging and audience selection. Furthermore, 21 booked calls were secured, indicating strong interest and potential for further conversions.

The Impact:

The success achieved through this strategy has had a significant impact on the client's business. Prior to implementing this approach, the client was facing a crucial moment where the effectiveness of the masterclass format needed to be determined. Without the desired results, the client would have needed to reassess the entire business model. However, the remarkable sales generated and positive audience response provided a turning point.

Not only did the client have the opportunity to pay herself, but the success also allowed for reinvestment and further experiment with audience targeting. This enables the client to continue refining and expanding her business with a stronger foundation for growth.


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