Gemma Bonham-Carter


The Before:

Gemma Bonham - Carter began creating digital content as a lifestyle blogger way back in 2010.

It started as a hobby but quickly grew into a side hustle and then a full on 'bring home the bacon' kind of job. She was asked to speak at numerous conferences and events... #bloglife.

Naturally, she was repeatedly asked, how do you actually make money from this? Gemma realized there was a demand for helping others to sell online, and she created a 'Launch Your Shop' course.

Focusing on dropship store models, she helped clients strategize, set up funnels, attract and nurture leads, and scale their virtual stores. Using a recurring funnel that lead to a non-live webinar, Gemma saw initial success that allowed her to quit her draining 9 to 5 and expand her coaching impact.

However, as any entrepreneur and Biggie Smalls knows, more money, more problems....

The Details:

As she worked with more and more clients, Gemma became increasingly aware of the exact audience that were 'her people' and the others who just went her 'thang'. Wanting to avoid burnout, she desired to shift away from anyone who wanted to open an online store, to digital content creators that wanted to launch a product, service, or course.

Easier said than done....

Gemma asked herself: How would she transition her strategy, funnels, ads, and content to this new audience? What type of new non 'cookie cutter' offer would convert for digital content creators? How could she keep providing value to her current followers? How would she scale this new business? And how the heck could she do all of this and still have time for her family, and herself?

This is where Team Hirsh came in and laid out a strategy to help her generate $51,480 in sales:

Main objective: Create a membership based funnel with live launches.

Niche: Digital content creators who sell a product, service, or course.

  • ​The Passive Project ($67/month) → Gemma's primary product.A membership where client's had access to courses, trainings, coaching sessions, and continued education.
  • 52 Prompts ($27) → One time purchase of 52 different prompts for email newsletters as well as how to use these prompts to create content for paid and organic social posts.
  • Emails That Convert ($47) → One time purchase, upsell from 52 Prompts that offers templates of email newsletters that encourage sales conversions.
Sales goal: Break even on ad and marketing spend with initial membership purchases. Build up recurring memberships and upsells to increase ROI.
Lead gen goal: Constantly adjusted based off of membership and upsell purchases. We based this off of the minimum amount required to break even on Gemma's marketing budget when taking the percentage of leads that purchased each product into account.

The Strategy:

To make the transition as smooth as possible we continued to run her drop shipping funnel in the background while testing new lead gen strategies for her new core offer 'The Passive Project'.
We had to answer the question... What do digital content creators that are launching a business truly want?
(Note: it's very important to offer something unique, at Hirsh we don't simply recycle other offers in the marketplace).

Free offers that we tested in Gemma's ads included:
A funnel building blueprint/checklist
A masterclass to teach how to automate and increase digital product sales
A video series on launching digital product funnels.







In our first campaign we ran into problems with converting leads consistently. We quickly took the data from our initial results and made adjustments (thank goodness for daily tracking right?)....

We became more specific and exclusive with the messaging, tested more audiences, and refreshed ad images.
Raised the membership price from $47 to $67 to offset marketing costs.
Implemented additional offers and upsells by showing the 52 prompts and Emails That Convert products to customers who opted in to her free giveaways.
And we switched from a recurring webinar to a live webinar.
We launched live webinar retargeting ads based on specific customer actions (non-attendees, attendees who did not purchase, attendees who abandoned cart, etc.)







The Results:

  • Leads: 4397 @ $5.54 Cost per lead
  • Membership Sales: 195 @ $120.82 Cost per purchase
  • Tripwire Sales: 450 @ $52.36 CPP
  • ​Total Ad Spend: $23,561.44
  • ​Total Revenue/ROI: $51,480 / 118%

The Takeaways:

Selling a lower priced point membership takes a different strategy than one time purchases:

A lower price point typically means a higher conversion rate, but it also means that you need a lot more people to buy. It’s important to track average membership length so that you know the lifetime value of a customer and use this to lead your strategy. To have sufficient member retention you must show great entry value to create initial excitement and continue to provide value for members over their lifespan so they do not exit.

Create multiple offers

We were able to offset Gemma's marketing costs by showing additional offers in her value ladder to users who opted in to her free giveaways. The first was a low priced offer, and then an upsell. These were great add-ons to her campaign for customers that were not ready to commit to a monthly membership. 

There are multiple ways to increase conversion rates

Using more pre qualifying messaging or requirements in ads helps to attract clicks that are truly interested in your offer. Some examples of this in an ad include:
"Are you somebody that....",
"We only work with....",
"Have you struggled with...."

Live webinars generally receive more engagement and conversions than prerecorded ones

It creates a greater sense of trust and connection talking to a live human. It also creates more scarcity in your offer. In Gemma's case, leads who wanted access to her Passive Project membership had to join a waitlist until the live launch and we retargeted all of those on the waitlist beforehand to keep her top of mind.


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