Hannah Freese


Introduction from Emily

While February was a short month, it was one for the books at Hirsh, especially for this client I am beyond excited to introduce you to.

Hannah Freese is an Online Weight Loss Coach specializing in helping women aged 40 and above repair their damaged metabolisms. This helps them lose weight, achieve better health, and avoid gaining weight back. Her approach involves a sustainable long-term eating method that addresses hormonal weight gain.

We've been working with Hannah since December 2022, and in that short amount of time, we've seen incredible results I’m excited to tell you more about.

Hannah's main product is "The Freese Method 12-Week Online Group Coaching Program," which is priced at $1,297. The program is designed to provide women with a long-term sustainable eating method that solves the problem of hormonal weight gain. In addition to the 12-Week Program, Hannah also offers a monthly membership program called the "Metabolic Masters Club" for $49/month, which is specifically for graduates of the 12-Week Program.

We're incredibly proud to be a part of Hannah's journey and I’m excited to share Hannah’s profitable February.

The Strategy:

We developed a strategy that focused on expanding Hannah's audience and attracting more potential clients who were interested in her services. We started by identifying her target audience, which was women aged 40 and above who wanted to lose weight by fixing their metabolism.

To achieve Hannah's overall monthly sales goal of 20 new clients, we implemented a Lead Magnet → Quiz → Webinar Registration funnel with the aim of generating 500 new leads monthly through both organic and paid traffic. We planned to conduct two live webinars monthly, with a sales goal of 10 sales (coming from ads and organic efforts combined) per webinar.

During the testing phase, we optimized three different funnels to determine which one brought the most qualified and highest converting leads. After 60 days of testing, we found that the Lead Magnet → Quiz → Webinar Registration funnel was the most effective. As a result, we reallocated 10% of Hannah's budget to that funnel to maximize its potential.

The Results:

Using the opt-in funnel strategy, our team generated a total of 1,641 opt-in leads at $1.16 each, with a 26% landing page conversion rate and a 4.35% CTR.

Within the lead magnet funnel, we had a total of 1,167 quiz completions at $1.63 each, and 586 webinar registrations at $3.25 each.

This approach allowed us to attract more qualified leads who had gone through the opt-in and quiz process, resulting a total of 18 purchases made exclusively from ads.

Our team was thrilled with the results, which produced a ROAS of 5.75x and helped Hannah's business to achieve its revenue goals.

The Impact:

The success of the opt-in funnel strategy has had a significant impact on Hannah's business.

The results have not only helped her to achieve her revenue goals, but they have also positively affected her workflow and time management.

Hannah shared with us that the online webinar format has saved her from doing 1:1 sales calls that would typically take 40 minutes each. Previously, she would do 40-50 sales calls a month, which would take up a considerable amount of her time. However, with the success of the live webinars, she has been able to save 27 hours each month. This has allowed her to focus more on other aspects of her business and serve her clients better.

Overall, our team is thrilled to have been a part of Hannah's success and to have helped her streamline her business processes.

Campaign Key Takeaways:

  • Customized strategies: Our team's success was due to developing customized strategies specifically tailored to Hannah's audience. By taking data and numbers into consideration, we were able to create amazing creative and messaging that resonated with her potential customers.
  • Pivot when necessary: When Hannah realized that her initial approach wasn't how she wanted to run her business, we pivoted to a smaller, more focused audience. By perfecting the runway leading up to each live webinar and the pitch of the offer during the webinar, we were able to achieve Hannah's revenue goals.
  • Optimize metrics and customer journey: Hannah's tagging system allowed us to understand the customer journey and optimize metrics such as live attendance rate and purchase conversion rate after every webinar. This data helped us to invest her ad budget wisely and to know which funnels to optimize to achieve her revenue goals.

Top Performing Ads:

What our client had to say about working with our team:

“I feel much more empowered with my Facebook ads and marketing since starting with Team Hirsh. I used to set up my Facebook ads and then cross my fingers that it would work. And to be honest, it was working less and less each month. That’s when I knew I needed help and hired Team Hirsh.

In the last three months, the team has guided me through an organized creation, testing, and decision-making process that has given me a new sense of confidence and competence. No more finger-crossing!

And while I’m thrilled with the early results, I’m most excited about the new skills and support I have going forward. There are going to be up and down moments in sales and marketing, but with Team Hirsh's support, I know we will adapt, create, and test our way to success no matter what the internet throws at us.”


Powerhouse Team


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