Hannah Cole

Selling Products or Services with Webinars

Introduction from Emily

For October, I’m honored to feature another one of our Elite clients, Hannah Cole and the success that has happened over the month of October.

Hannah is an accountant for creative small businesses. She teaches creative people how to take control of their own finances so they can have a bigger impact with their work.

Hannah came to us desiring to live launch less and increase her sales through a more evergreen format. At first, the results were less than stellar, but our team went into quick action.

The results? A 3.8x ROAs within 2 weeks of launching the new wrapping paper for her webinar (I’ll share more about that below).

It has been an absolute pleasure working with Hannah. She truly understands the unique problems and desires of her audience, which has helped so much with her success!

The Strategy:

When Hannah began working with us, we started running ads to two funnels:
- Direct Webinar to her $1597 offer
- Opt in > Webinar to $1597 offer

In the first 2 weeks of running her webinar ads, we found that the cost per lead was way too high - up to $40. We took this as a sign that even if we did a lot of optimization and changes to our ad copy & creative, we probably wouldn't be able to reduce the CPL below $15 (our goal).

We immediately set up a messaging call for Hannah with our creative manager so we could explore options to refresh the wrapping paper on her webinar and the webinar title.

With Hannah's audience's unique problems and desires in mind, we updated her landing page copy (including a new webinar title), ad copy, videos provided by the client, and new creatives before re-launching her ads.

We were able to get the webinar cost down to $16 per lead but more importantly the volume we started bringing in also brought in sales! A HUGE decrease from $40!

The Results:

Within the 2 weeks of re-launching her funnel this was our data:
Ad Spend: $1678
Leads: 103
Cost Per Lead: $16.30
Purchases: 4
ROAs: 3.8x

The Impact:

Taking action on the messaging has generated a lower lead cost and increased lead volume, as well as increased her ROAs 3.8 times. She not only has a larger number of leads to continue to nurture, but she is seeing an increase in profits without even changing her webinar (just the wrapping paper of it).

Campaign Takeaways:

Messaging Matters

A lot of people have wasted weeks, if not months, trying to get their one webinar to convert by changing the ads and targeting. However, we noticed a root problem in the messaging, so our team took fast action.

We dove into what Hannah’s clients tend to say is their biggest problem when they come to her. This unique problem spoke directly to her audience which made her stand out and attract her ideal client.

It can be easy to blend it with others within your industry, but what makes you unique needs to be highlighted within your webinar.

This also shows that it all starts with messaging. A webinar, even if free, is still an offer and if the offer is not really enticing to people (which you sometimes don’t know until you test!) you have to make some foundational changes.
Hannah didn’t actually change her webinar itself, all of these changes happened on the front-end messaging.

The Testing Isn't Over

Despite our success with the new webinar title, we have 3 different webinar titles we are about to test to see if we can get the cost per lead down even more.

We had some big wins but the testing and optimization is never over. It’s important to think ‘this is working, but can it work better?’

Knowing Your Audience is Key

Hannah knows her message and audience extremely well. This in-depth understanding of her audience’s desires and frustrations provided us a chance to pull out the updated messaging so we can increase results.

Top Performing Ad:


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