Jena Castro-Casbon



The Before:

Jena Castro-Casbon, also known as The Independent Clinician, is a speech language pathologist (SLP) who offers a course to help other SLP’s start their own private practices. She had some previous ad experience from working with different agencies who were only able to produce lackluster results. She knew she wanted to amplify her impact and crack the Facebook ads code, so she reached out to our team in December of 2020 to give it another shot.

Team Hirsh did NOT disappoint. In January of 2021, we executed an amazing live launch with Jena that resulted in over $56k in profit and a 23.43X return on ad spend. Keep on reading to find out how we made that possible!

The Details:

Jena’s signature course, Start Your Own Private Practice, was originally priced at $997 when she signed on with our team, and she wanted to increase the price to $1,297. We started with an evergreen webinar strategy that was performing okay, but Team Hirsh doesn’t settle for just “okay”. We noticed that her CPL was too high, and her webinar show up rate and sales conversion rate were too low, so we needed to create a more effective strategy to sell more of her course.

The Strategy:

With Jena’s desire to increase her course price in mind, we pivoted into a live launch strategy for her instead. The campaign ran for two weeks from December 29th through January 11th. Jena did a live webinar where she opened the cart for her course to give her audience a last chance to sign up before the price went up.

The live launch strategy created a much greater sense of urgency for her audience to strike while the iron was hot so they didn’t miss the chance to sign up before the price increased to $1,297. We incorporated this messaging in our ads, and Jena incorporated it expertly during her webinar and in her follow up nurturing.

For this campaign, we targeted a mixture of cold audiences, her warm audience, as well as lookalike audiences. In her original evergreen webinar strategy, Jena was getting a lot of video views, so we retargeted those users and created our lookalike audience from them, which proved to be highly effective.

The Results:

  • CPL: $6.73
  • ​Sales Conversion: 17.3%
  • Total Revenue: $56,300
  • ​Total ROAS: 23.43X
Our cost per lead for this campaign was $6.73, which was a major improvement as before the live launch, we were seeing $12, $14, sometimes even a $17 cost per lead for her evergreen webinar. Jena had a great show up rate of 40% (recently we’ve seen this averaging closer to 20% for a live webinar industry wide) and a sales conversion of 17.3%, whereas with her evergreen webinar the sales conversion was 3.33%.
Jena was able to generate over 300 leads and her net profit came in at just over $56,000. We ended her launch with a 23.43X return on her ad spend!

Top Performing Webinar Ad with a $5.99 CPL:

The Takeaways:

Creating lookalike audiences from a strong base audience is critical

One big contributor to the success of Jena’s launch was how on point our audience targeting was. We saw that she had a powerful video view audience from her previous evergreen webinar and chose to create a lookalike audience to retarget for her launch based on those video views. If you don’t create your lookalike audiences from a strong base they will not be effective.

Have clarity on your audience’s pain points

Jena’s ads had strong copy that directly addressed her audience’s pain points of wanting to start their career off strong, their desire to create their own business, and wanting their own private practice so they don’t have to work such long hours. She matter of factly explained how she could solve these problems in her copy and it resonated extremely well with her audience.

Simple doesn’t mean ineffective

The ad creative and images we utilized for Jena were very simple and direct, highlighting the date of her live webinar. Her audience was very responsive to this creative and it worked well for her account.

Nurture, nurture, nurture!

We really have to commend Jena for her incredible email nurture sequences that were tied into her live launch. She made sure that she stayed top of mind prior to and throughout the entire launch. Her email copy also built a great sense of urgency encouraging her audience to buy before the price of her course went up.


Powerhouse Team


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