Dr. Jen Esquer


The Before:

Let me tell you the story of a massively successful free challenge we helped one of our incredible clients, Dr. Jen Esquer, execute. She is a physical therapist that helps people relieve, renew, and optimize their bodies to truly heal and thrive. While she is in the fitness and wellness industry, her speciality is even more niche in the sense that instead of focusing on weight loss, she’s all about mobility, joint and pain relief, and has a more holistic approach to wellness.
Jen is incredibly personable and relatable, which allowed her to grow a really solid warm audience before ever even knocking on our team’s door. She was doing well and making sales on her own, but she didn’t know how to leverage the large organic following she had grown and drive even more sales conversions.
She knew that she wanted to take her business to the next level, so she decided Team Hirsh was exactly who she needed to help her bring her dreams to fruition! Within her first 90 days working with our team, she had already begun to see explosive results (I’ll tell you all about that below).

The Details:

Jen sells two digital products. A monthly membership called The Optimal Body that normally costs $19.99/month. The membership consists of videos with movements, workouts, and mobility flows that strengthen your body and improve your mobility. She also offers a high-ticket membership called The Mobility Method that includes even more fitness and mobility video trainings, a private Facebook community, and more. This membership one time payment of $149. The strategy we implemented for her focused on generating sales for The Optimal Body. This membership was already selling so well that we decided to increase the price to $27 to make it even more profitable. We set a sales goal of 48.

The Strategy:

For the lead generation strategy, Jen decided to do a free 7-day challenge that was essentially an additional element to The Optimal Body that included new movements. We ran an Instagram story ad to generate sign ups for the challenge, and in total from both her organic and paid ads efforts, Jen received over 10,000 sign ups and our cost per registrant was only $0.10!
The free challenge was Jen’s method of justifying the price increase of The Optimal Body because registrants were able to get a taste of the membership for free, and purchasing the membership was a very natural step up.
We created a sense of urgency by offering The Optimal Body at the original $19.99 price for challenge participants who purchased within a week, and after that it would never be available at that price again. For those who didn’t purchase within a week, we ran re-targeting ads to them for the $27 price and her sales skyrocketed.
Jen ended up making 68 total sales, surpassing her initial goal! She also had set a goal to have a cost per purchase of $62.50, but we achieved one of $30. Her return on her ad spend was 206.68%, so all in all, her campaign was massively successful!







The Results:

  • Cost per lead - $0.10
  • Cost per purchase - $30
  • ROAs - 206.86%


Content that connects is critical

Even in my own ads, I’ve noticed that video content always converts the best. For Jen and in the fitness industry in particular, video content performs extremely well. By leveraging her skill and showing her audience the exact movements they would be receiving in her membership and free challenge, Jen was able to hook those leads and real them in big time. Her video content not only helped grow her massive organic following, but it was a huge contributor to the success of her ads. 

Tie together your offers seamlessly

Even though Jen was concerned that increasing the price of The Optimal Body would lead to a decrease in sales, her free challenge made the step up into the membership program a no-brainer for her audience. That’s because the content of the free challenge was so in-line with the content of The Optimal Body that they became two pieces of a whole, rather than being separate, disconnected offers.

Get your audience toasty warm and watch them convert like crazy

One thing Jen knows how to do extremely well is warm up an audience. Even before working with our team, she was putting out extremely engaging and high quality content that massively grew her organic following. Her personality and expertise radiated through her engagement content which warmed her leads up so well that once we began running ads, the sales started pouring in. 

Urgency is a game changer

Not only was Jen’s 7-day challenge a no-brainer for her audience because it was FREE, but upgrading to The Optimal Body was also a no-brainer because of the limited time offer to still receive it at the original $19.99 price. Since they were only given a week to make a decision and Jen was serious about that lower price never being available again, it only made sense for registrants to go ahead and purchase her membership right away. If humans think they only have a limited time to take an action, they’re more likely to take that action! 


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