Jessica Zimmerman


The Before:

Jessica came to Hirsh Marketing after doing one organic launch on her own and seriously ready to take her business to the next level. She had organic success with her book, Business Behind The Blooms, but wanted to unlock the power of Facebook ads to grow.

Jessica was named top wedding planner by Southern Living Magazine and is the Founder and Creative Director of Zimmerman Events and Education. She and her team specialize in wedding planning & floral design for brides as well as education for florists desiring to turn their passion into profits.

Jessica felt very overwhelmed by the idea of paid ads because she had never done it before, but she knew that she was sitting on huge potential by not using them.

It was immediately apparent to us that Jessica had built the foundations of an amazing product and following. Team Hirsh was so excited to take her on as a client because of the potential we saw.

The Details:

Hirsh Marketing stepped in to work with Jessica and her team for their first launch with paid ads. Coming to work with us, her list size was only 1,000 people and we knew we had to grow that list prior to her launch to meet her goals.
We followed Step 1 of The Hirsh Process and used the little bit of data she did have from her organic launch to create projections and a plan for her upcoming live launch and the sales goals she had for that launch.

We started with a list building phase where we aimed to grow her email list by over 7,000 leads before her live launch. We had figured this number out based on her sales goal and our estimated sales conversion.

While onboarding Jessica and mapping out her strategy we also consulted with her on how to offset some of her initial ad cost with a tripwire on her thank you page as well as strategic email nurturing sequences to prime these new leads prior to the live launch of her main offer.  

The Strategy:

PHASE 1: Pre-launch list building: 
We used multiple lead magnets to build Jessica’s list leading up to her launch. This phase lasted 2 months and during it we had a daily email lead and cost per lead goal, based on our total goal for the launch. 

Attached to these lead magnets Jessica had an upsell offer on her thank you page for $27 where she was selling an additional video training that went along with the PDF the lead had just signed up for. We were able to offset 30-50% of her ad cost with this $27 additional offer. This was just a bonus in our overall goals and we used that money to put it back into her list growth marketing efforts.

During this phase we maintained a $2.43 average cost per lead and exceeded our list building goals, setting us up for success for her upcoming launch!







PHASE 2: Webinar Launch Campaign
When it came time to launch Jessica’s product and open the doors to her course, we focused on a live webinar being the main component of her launch.

We drove traffic for 8 days to her webinar registration, both to warm and cold traffic. We then had a 10-day open cart period for her course before the doors closed.

The product was Business Behind The Blooms, a $997 course teaching floral designers, stylists, and planners how to grow their business. Our goal was to get at least 100 sales on this course during her open cart period.



The Results:

List building phase:
Our team added 7,500 leads to Jessica’s email list at an average cost per lead of $2.43. An 850% increase in her overall list size since signing on with Hirsh Marketing! We were also able to offset over 30% of this initial cost to building Jessica’s list with her tripwire sales in this funnel, something Jessica had never tested before until working with our strategy team to implement.

Webinar Ads:
We saw an average cost per lead of $4.33 and had almost 8,000 people signed up for the webinar between paid ads & emailing the leads we had added to Jessica’s list prior to the launch.
  • Total Webinar Leads: 7,900+
  • Total Sales: 212
  • Total Ad Spend For The Launch: $22,750
  • Total Revenue Generated: $225,000
  • ​ROI: 989%
You just know what you were talking about, right off the bat. And the most impressive part about what you do. I gave $100,000 in Facebook ads, and I got $400,000 back. Our first launch together, for every $10 I gave you, you gave me $100 back. And that right there, that’s life changing.

Jessica Zimmerman
Zimmerman Events

The Takeaways:

Letting Data Drive The Goals

As soon as Jessica came to work with Hirsh Marketing we used the small amount of data she had from her course sales and created projections and goals so everyone was on the same page with expectations and goals from the beginning.
When Jessica first had her strategy call she wasn’t sure what her sales goal were, she just knew she wanted more sales than her organic launch. 

Following Step 1 of The Hirsh Process we made sure to set a sales goal and then worked backwards from there. This gave us the exact numbers we needed to meet at each stage of her launch from list building to webinar to sales. This also allowed Jessica to agree on the ad spend that was going to be required to achieve her goals and kept everyone on the same page throughout the entire process.

List Building Prior To Launch

When doing a large live launch like Jessica was doing we typically recommend doing some pre list building to build trust with a warm audience before launching the course. Jessica’s timeline allowed us to implement this list building phase and it definitely set us up for success when it came to open the cart for her program.
The key with this phase was to have an exact monthly goal for how much we wanted to grow the list before the launch and how much we were willing to pay for those leads. This gave us a monthly and weekly goal that everyone was on the same page about.

Using A Self Liquidating Offer When List Building

Jessica had never considered adding a product to the thank you page of her opt in and we recommended doing this in her initial strategy call. This proved to work out great for Jessica just to offset some of the initial investment and list building that she was doing prior to the launch.

A small priced offer on the thank you page of an opt in is a great way to offset ad spend as well as make sure you’re getting quality leads into the funnel because a percentage of the leads show they are willing to spend money right off the bat.

Innovative Creative & Messaging 

Our creative team spent a lot of time with Jessica and understanding her messaging and how to speak to her audience. Jessica is in a relatively niche audience and so it was important for us to nail the messaging and how we spoke to them. We tested several versions of creative at each phase of her marketing to nail down the top converting ad copy as well as videos and imagery. 


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