It's my pleasure to introduce you to Kristen Zook, a client of ours who runs an e-commerce company that creates stand-alone hammock stands. Kristen's been working with us since December 2022, and let me tell you, it's been quite a ride.
Before Kristen joined forces with our team, she and her business partner were struggling to make sales online. Their business was primarily relying on in-person sales, and she wanted to be able to scale by using online sales. But as many entrepreneurs know, the transition from in-person to online sales isn't always easy, and they were feeling the weight of that challenge.
When Kristen first approached us, she was feeling frustrated and defeated. She'd tried all sorts of tactics to increase her online sales, but nothing seemed to be working. It was clear to her that she needed help, and that's where we came in.
Over the past few months, we've worked closely with Kristen to create a successful funnel that's helped her business thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce. Kristen's online sales have skyrocketed since she started working with us, and she's feeling more confident than ever in her business.
In this client highlight, I'll be sharing more about Kristen's journey with our team, including the ups and downs, the challenges and successes, and everything in between. I hope that Kristen's story will inspire other entrepreneurs who may be facing similar struggles, and show that with the right team and support, anything is possible.