Lindsay Padilla


The Before:

Lindsay Padilla had built an online course and sold a few organically and through DIY paid ads. Lindsay had built a small following organically through her various efforts and time as a digital course expert but she was feeling the momentum slow down without a strategic paid ads strategy.
She knew she had an offer people wanted because she had sold her course to a handful of students and therefore she was ready to take it to the next level and partner with Hirsh Marketing.

The Details:

Lindsay’s signature course is Build A Better Beta that she sells for $997 via a webinar funnel. We started with a live webinar and then later on turned that into an automated webinar.

The Strategy:

When Lindsay first came to work with Hirsh Marketing we knew that we had to “buy data” in order to see how her funnel actually converted. We started out by choosing a budget Lindsay was comfortable with for the first month, knowing that she may not make it all back immediately. 

Making back her investment was going to depend on how the funnel converted and we didn’t have enough data (yet) to know how much she was going to pay for her webinar registrations or how her webinar was going to convert.
Our main strategy was a live webinar that we were going to turn automated as soon as we knew it would convert. Lindsay was going to do one initial live webinar and then a weekly ongoing one if she had to until it was converting.

We chose to spend $3,000 that first month and aimed to sell 3 of her $997 courses to break even on her ad spend. We worked backwards and knew that we needed to get at least 300 people registered for her webinar to hit that sales goal. That meant we could afford a maximum of $8 cost per registration.

Since joining Hirsh and putting in place an evergreen funnel that Hirsh Marketing has really helped her scale, she gets sales every single day. She’s been able to go from a couple of sales monthly to five figure months and beyond. Every month since she’s been working with Hirsh Marketing has been a better month than the one before.

The Results:

  • Total Registrations: 380
  • Total Sales: 5
  • Total Ad Spend: $3,000
  • Total Revenue: $4,985
  • ​ROI: 66%
We surpassed her sales goal in that first month which told us that her webinar converted and we were able to hit our cost per registration goal. It’s not an overwhelming amount of money spent or money made but the purpose behind this phase was to buy data and prove that we could spend more money the following month.  

Results Following That Webinar:
Since that webinar we scaled Lindsay’s ads strategically. Maintaining a cost per lead of around $5-$6 and a purchase conversion of about 1.5% of all webinar registrants. 

We were able to get Lindsay’s ROI to about 200% consistently and that has gone up as we add in more strategies such as nurturing all of the leads who sign up for the webinar and who don’t purchase over a 90-day period.
"Before working with Team Hirsh I was sitting there with an online course that I knew could help people, and I had cultivated a bit of my own following all using organic strategies. I’ve been able to sell a certain amount of my course to that existing audience, but I was feeling stuck. I was feeling at that point where what I was doing wasn’t going fast enough. It was taking so long to get good leads to build my list. I know I had a good product. I just needed to get it seen in front of more people.

Since joining with you guys, and really putting in place an evergreen funnel that you guys have really helped me scale, I get sales every single day. I’ve been able to go from, I don’t know what my lowest month was, but we’re talking like a couple of sales to five figure months and beyond. Every month since I’ve been working with you guys has been a better month than the last one."

Lindsay Padilla
President of Course Power

The Takeaways:

The Importance Of Buying Data

indsay followed The Hirsh Process to a T when it came to buying data, proving her funnel and then scaling the budget once it was working. She trusted our process when we asked her to choose a budget she would be okay not making back right away. We then created projections around that budget so we had metrics to measure our success by.
Even though Lindsay did end up making her ad spend back and really crushing her goal, we followed the process and started with proving the funnel and then scaling once we had proven the strategy and numbers.

Nailing The Messaging

A big contributing factor to Linday’s success was the time we took to nail her messaging. We dove deep in her call with our creative director to really understand Lindsay’s audience, their pain points and how we could best capture their attention. This was a big contributing factor to keeping the cost per registration below our goal and ultimately helping us hit our overall ROI goal.

Building Out All Parts Of The Strategy

Over a 90-day period we greatly increased Lindsay’s overall ROI because we stayed focused on how to optimize this one core offer and webinar strategy. We improved all aspects of the strategy by focusing on the numbers for each step of her funnel. 

We improved her webinar show up rate by creating even more engaging reminder emails and incentives to be on the webinar live and we improved the sales conversion by continually fine tuning her webinar as well as adding in a 90-day nurture sequence that nurtured all of the leads who didn’t purchase the course right away.

By staying focused and aware of this funnel and all of it’s numbers it allowed us to really optimize and continually improve it month over month.


Powerhouse Team


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