Mallory Nowak

2023 Client of the Year

Introduction From Emily

I'm absolutely thrilled to spotlight our Elite client, Mallory, as we celebrate a phenomenal year together! This time last December, Mallory, a trailblazing functional nutritionist, made the decision to join forces with Team Hirsh. Her bold move, at a time when pulling back was common among many business owners, has led to a year of remarkable transformation and success.

Mallory continues to be an incredible force of inspiration, and empowerment for those battling Type 2 Diabetes. Her flagship program, The Type 2 Transformation Program, has been more than just a course; it's been a life-altering journey for countless people. This 12-week online experience offers a comprehensive strategy for managing blood sugar levels and A1C, helping people reclaim their health.

Looking back on the past year, it's been an exciting ride since Mallory shifted from exhausting sales calls to a more sustainable approach. Starting out worn out but hopeful, our partnership has grown into an incredible success story. The results we've seen together have not only sustained but amplified Mallory's impact, bringing her unique vision and expertise to more people than ever before.

Let’s dive into the details of Mallory's transformative year. I’m fully unpacking how our long-term strategy has propelled Mallory's business to new heights of success and influence.



When We Got Started

When Mallory first joined forces with us, she was honest about the challenges she faced: "This investment was a stretch for me. Since I put my webinar on evergreen and stopped offering sales calls, my sales have taken a BIG hit."

However, the January results were a mind-blowing turning point, not just in terms of outcomes, but also in our approach. The main goal was to massively increase Mallory's sales revenue. After seeing a decrease in sales from her shift to an evergreen model and discontinuing sales calls, we decided to revert to a strategy that had previously worked for her: a live launch funnel.

Our team collaborated with Mallory to reimagine her live 5-day challenge. We equipped her with an effective pitch script, a captivating bonus offer, and a series of follow-up emails, all aimed at enhancing her sales process without the need for direct sales calls.

We went through a meticulous review and optimization of Mallory's challenge, offering expert advice and actionable suggestions for improvement. This included auditing her registration page and emails to ensure they were primed for maximum engagement. Moreover, we crafted targeted ad copy and creatives, strategically driving leads to her launch. Our focus was on precise targeting, tailored to resonate with her specific audience.

With an investment of only $1k, she hit a launch revenue of over $43,000, making a 43x return on her ad spend. This success was not just financial; it was proof that her new strategy was in alignment with her AND her audience. This was a pivotal moment for Mallory, proving that she didn't need sales calls to sell her course and that she could effectively reach a cold audience.



Mid-Year Success

Mid-2023 marked a crucial phase in Mallory's journey. Our focus after her initial January live launch was to make sure we had the other important piece to her marketing success: a consistent evergreen funnel.

In July we were able to bring in $18,735 in sales from just $1,201.89 in ad spend from her evergreen funnel alone. That’s an 11x ROAs! From there on out we continued to run this evergreen funnel and bring in leads and sales on “auto pilot.”
We combined this evergreen strategy with her regular live challenges that created cash infusions for her business. Mallory followed our exact process and marketing best practices that we have talked about all throughout this playbook. Proving that when following & sticking to the formula success is possible!

It’s also an incredible example of how your business should be built for you and how you want to run it. Not doing sales calls was a non-negotiable for Mallory and that became a big focus for us when we developed the strategy.

Mallory's response to her mid-year success says it all:

“Having Team Hirsh by my side over the last 6 months has been an absolute game-changer for my humble little nutrition business. This means I can take a much-needed breather between my big live launches and focus on what I'm REALLY here to do, which is serve my clients.”

Mallory was able to step into a more visionary role for her company, truly being able to change the lives of her clients.

With the evergreen funnel generating both sales and leads she set herself up for having her biggest launch ever in August, proving that the combination of consistency and live launches works like magic. After her live launch in August, Mallory had the incredible problem of almost too many new clients! She has since hired two nutritionists to help support her growing list of clients and a project management team to systematize her business model.

"Holy WOW, this has been my biggest launch to date and I'm struggling to keep up with the influx of emails."

All of this put together demonstrates the true power of incredible messaging, a custom marketing strategy and collaboration between a trailblazing CEO and a marketing partner that will stop at nothing to create wild success!

Strategy & Execution Recap

To breakdown Mallory’s strategy over this past year, here it is:

Lead Generation

 We generated consistent leads for Mallory with a PDF download called 21 Kitchen Essentials for Type 2 Diabetes. Inside of it are blood sugar-friendly alternatives to their favorite foods. This is a huge value add for somebody with diabetes (her ideal client). We run paid ads to this daily to bring consistent leads into the top of her funnel. 

Webinar Sign-ups: 

We drive all the leads that we’re bringing in from her PDF download to an evergreen webinar. We found that with Mallory her leads converted to sales more if they had two steps, PDF download and then a free webinar. This is not the case for every business which is why a custom strategy is so key! We also run retargeting ads for all the leads who downloaded her PDF to then sign up for this webinar.

Course Sales:

Mallory's 12-week course, aimed at helping individuals manage Type 2 Diabetes, was offered at two price points: a one-time payment of $1,249 or three payments totaling $1,449. Mallory pitches this course on her webinar and in a follow up email sequence for all the leads who sign up for her webinar. We leverage urgency to get people to buy now and we’re able to consistently bring in about a 6x return on her ad spend just in her evergreen sales, with NO sales calls!

Live Launches:

About every other month Mallory will host her live challenge. We invite all of her existing leads and run ads to new leads for this challenge. Every time she creates a massive cash infusion for her business oftentimes getting an 11x or higher ROAs! 

Throughout the year we built out Mallory’s strategy to make sure she had a profitable evergreen funnel, which relieved her of having to launch every single month. Then, we continued to hone in and refine her live launches so we were only doing what worked from the previous launch. At one point we actually dropped the cost per lead in half from the previous live launch, doubling the leads she brought in for the same ad spend!

It goes without saying that Mallory plays a huge part in her success working with our team. She knows her ideal customer well, she’s an incredible partner and collaborator with our team and sets the bar so high for what is possible when you combine amazing marketing with a life-changing offer. We’re so grateful to be a part of the incredible impact Mallory has!

Impressive Year-Long Results

In 2023, Mallory’s business exploded and even more important than that, it did so while buying her time back to be the visionary and creator in her company!

Check out these results from 2023:

  • Evergreen Funnel Ad Spend: $14,453.28
  • Evergreen Funnel Revenue: $164,174.00
  • ROAs: 11.36x

  • Live Launch Total Ad Spend: $9,553.25
  • Live Launch Total Revenue: $130,300.00
  • ROAs: 13.64x

  • Total Ad Spend: $24,006.53
  • Total Revenue: $294,474.00
  • ROAs: 12.27x

Mallory chose to take the leap and hire our team at the end of 2022 and it’s been absolutely incredible to watch what investing in her business and growth has done for her success!

The impact that successful marketing can have is life-changing. Through this journey and essentially implementing our process paired with her wisdom and expertise, Mallory was able to grow her team, change the lives of hundreds of her clients AND create the life of her dreams filled with freedom and abundance -- which are all reasons why we start our businesses in the first place!

Looking back on her journey, Mallory highlights the critical role of Team Hirsh:

"It's been so fun to optimize & scale both of these strategies with the pros at Team Hirsh by my side. The numbers don't lie! My conversion rates kick ass and my business is highly profitable, even when I'm not live-launching."

Mallory’s story is the perfect example of the immense power of strategic partnership and the potential for massive growth and impact. It’s a clear message that waiting for the 'right time' isn’t the best strategy.

Instead, taking action now like Mallory did, can set the stage for hitting the ground running and having your best year yet. If you want to be the next Mallory in 2024, click here to explore partnering with Team Hirsh!

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