Michael Poon and Ruby Lee


The Before:

Michael Poon and his partner Ruby Lee specialize in LinkedIn personal branding through their signature course, LinkedIn Brand Boss Academy. They believe in “owning your hustle” and helping their clients create content that crushes on LinkedIn. Ruby has this incredibly bubbly and magnetic personality that draws people in (which made a HUGE impact on the success of their webinar!).
Before working with Team Hirsh, Michael and Ruby had an existing SLO funnel to sell their course, but they were struggling to build a solid Facebook ad strategy and had trouble converting leads to sales. That’s exactly where Team Hirsh jumped in to support them.

Ruby Lee saw a 637.93% ROI with this webinar campagin!

The Details:

Michael and Ruby’s niche consists of entrepreneurs and coaches who are looking to scale their business. Their main objective was to drive traffic to their signature $997 course, LinkedIn Brand Boss Academy, which is designed to teach entrepreneurs how to brand themselves on LinkedIn and create content that crushes on the platform. They also wanted to downsell their $17 masterclass, Content Jam, that teaches people how to create valuable content and socially sell on LinkedIn.
Their monthly sales goal for their original SLO funnel was $50,000, and their lead generation goal was 400-2,400 leads. However, our team quickly realized we needed to pivot their strategy once we got started because we simply were not seeing the results we needed. So, we transitioned from using their SLO funnel to upsell their signature course to using a live webinar strategy instead.

The Strategy:

We decided to do three main Live Webinars for Michael and Ruby. Each webinar had the same goal of upselling people into their LinkedIn Brand Boss Academy course, but they all had different hooks so that we could attract a wider audience for them. The different hooks used for each webinar turned out to be an incredibly successful strategy for understanding what messaging their audience responds to the most!
Even though these webinars were designed to be used Live, we kept a future strategy in mind that they could also be used as an Evergreen type webinar series sometime later on to further grow their list and upsell their higher ticket offers.
The webinars also served as a base for all of their organic content, allowing for new videos and posts to be based around the webinars. This kept their engagement at an all time high while promoting cheap webinar registrations.
In order to maximize the number of registrants we were able to capture for each webinar, we ran ads for all three for approximately a week and a half. This was critical to hone in the correct audiences for their business and to keep costs low.
Each webinar was extremely engaging (thanks to the incredible energy Ruby exudes) and closed out with a sales portion, allowing for viewers to instantly sign up for the program. Furthermore, we left specific ads running post-webinar to encourage people to complete their purchase.

Lead Gen Event Registration

Lead Gen Event Registration

Lead Gen Event Registration

Lead Gen Event Registration

The Results:

  • Top performing lead gen ad with a $1.78 cost per lead
  • 555 webinar registrants at $2.59 per registration
  • 10 sales at $997 per purchase
  • ​Total Ad Spend: $2,288.00
  • ​Total Revenue: $9,944.18


Really Know Your Audience

Our success was largely due to the fact that we were able to fully develop Michael and Ruby’s audiences. From specific interest and lookalike audience targeting for registrations, to developing their customer list, we developed a complete picture of what their ideal customer avatar looks like. We’ll also use this information to help set them up for future evergreen webinar success by already having an optimized audience in place for them.

 Act On The Present, Prepare For The Future!

We were constantly working on the Live Launches, honing in the audience, reducing costs, and increasing sales. But, we understood that this was all going to be leading up to evergreen efforts. We were able to successfully identify the customer base during the Live stages to set us up for easy success in the evergreen phase. 

Understand The Messaging

By running 3 separate webinars, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of which audience responds best to several different types of messaging. With this new insight on what their audiences respond well to, we were able to maximize our spend without wasting time (or effort!) on optimizing ads in the future.

Pay Attention To The Data

When we first started this campaign we were trying to get a SLO funnel to convert to the clients $997 course sale. Even though SLO funnels work well for many different businesses right now, it wasn’t working for this particular offer. The SLO was paying for ad spend but was not creating a tremendous amount of profit because it wasn’t leading to bigger ticket course sales. We re-strategized the customer journey with our main goal in mind -- how do we get the most $997 course sales? Once we began testing the webinar we saw this was going to result in an overall higher return on ad spend and shifted our focus and budget here. This is really important to continue to focus on one main offer and goal and make sure all marketing efforts are aligning with that goal. Let the data and numbers make your decisions just like we did in this scenario.


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