Rob Sperry


The Before:

Rob came to work with Hirsh Marketing because he had several friends working with us in his industry. He had only run a small amount of ads himself but wanted to uplevel his marketing and paid advertising with the launch of his new membership site....
The Game Of Networking

Rob is a top network marketing coach and is well known in his industry of supporting network marketers with their business growth and success.

The Details:

Rob had been working with Hirsh Marketing for a few months before launching his new membership program, The Game of Networking.
We had spent those last few months growing his list and offering them a small priced offer for $27 that then led to an upsell for $67. This allowed us to grow his list while also offsetting some of the ad spend with the lower priced offers.

During these initial few months we had a lead generation goal we were aiming to achieve in preparation for the launch of the membership site and every day our actions were driven by this lead goal and budget set aside for it.


The Strategy:

The actual launch strategy consisted of a webinar targeted towards Rob’s warm audience and all of the leads we had added to his list prior to the launch and some cold traffic. The goal was to get at least 2,000 people signed up for the webinar in order to hit our projected sales goals.
After the webinar the doors to The Game of Networking were open for 7 days and during that time we promoted the open doors of the webinar to all of his warm traffic. This included his email list, webinar registrants, people who had been watching his videos, engaged with his Facebook page and visited his website.







The Results:

  • 2,100 leads at $3.50 per lead
  • 416 sales
  • Total Ad Spend: $6,500
  • ​Total Revenue: $12,530 recurring monthly revenue
  • ​ROI 186%

I went to all my friends that were 7-figure earners and asked them who they used, what they did, and Emily’s name just kept popping up over and over again. I remember the first ads that you guys ran you tested so may different ones and it’s amazing to see how you guys kept fine-tuning and dialing in for conversion. I went and questioned some of my friends who do Facebook ads they were just telling me ‘I can’t believe you’re getting that great conversion already.’

And then we did $30,000 for my first beta launch with my $297 product and it was an amazing return on my investment. I was always in it for the long game, and in the short game to be profitable while we list built for the long game, that’s a win for me.

Rob Sperry
Top Network Marketing Coach, The Game of Network Marketing

The Takeaways:

Knowing Your Numbers & Projections

A core part of The Hirsh Process is to always have a goal and projections before spending a penny on ads. 

The reason we were able to hit our goal in this launch is we knew exactly how many people we needed to add to Rob’s list before the launch, exactly how many people we needed to register for his webinar and how many sales that should result in based on our projections.  This gave us a solid budget and kept everyone on the same page and ultimately, allowed us to surpass his goal of 400 members.

Nurturing The Audience With Content During The Launch

Rob is really great on video and we encouraged him to stay present on Facebook live all throughout the launch to nurture his audience. 

We then also promoted those Facebook lives so we could make sure they reached all of this audience. This was especially effective since this was a new offer and his existing audience was really excited about it and loved the energy behind all these videos and the way Rob was showing up for his audience.  

Urgency Behind Joining The Membership

Having the doors open and close to a membership is typically the most effective way to grow a membership site because people make the decision during that time period and don’t wait.
However, if you don’t want to have an open / closed doors model then it’s important to create some sort of urgency with bonuses or pricing so you push people to join the membership and take action quickly after they learn about it. We’ve done countless membership launches both ones that are open all the time and ones that aren’t and this is a very important piece to the strategy being successful. 


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