Case Studies

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Case Studies

Are you our next success story?

Discover how others achieved real results with Hirsh Marketing

Selling High Ticket Offers

Selling Products or Services with Webinars

Live Launches for Products or Services

Self Liquidating Offers or Monetizing Your Ad Spend

Membership Products

Funnels with Physical Products / eCommerce

Free & Shipping (Book) Funnels

Funnels with Software as a Service (SaaS)

Lead Generation

Client Love

Mel Robbins

Best Selling Author of The 5 Second Rule

"Hirsh Marketing has been a collaborative partner in list-building, strategy and executing against deadline-oriented launches. We worked with the HM Team for over 1 year and during that time our brand awareness greatly increased, resulting in “The 5 Second Rule” becoming an international best-seller. We’re very thankful for the support and the flexibility they have given our team."

Amy Porterfield

Entrepreneur and Host of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

"My team and I worked closely with the Hirsh Marketing Team during my most recent launch, and trust me when I say that we have a million moving parts… and they didn’t miss a beat.
They were incredibly reliable, dedicated and handled the complexity of our campaign with total ease. Not only did they over deliver with high conversions (yes, please!), they also treated my business like it was their own.

The cherry on the top was that we had anticipated spending close to $10 per lead — based on the previous year’s campaign — and they were able to get the cost down closer to $5 per lead! I was so excited to see that number literally spliced in half thanks to their expertise, attention to detail, and knowledge."

Kristen Zook

Partner at YOBOGear

"We have a very niche, high-ticket product line that we were struggling to sell online. We knew we had great products that solve a plethora of problems, so it was disheartening that people weren’t buying. After a few months of listening to Emily’s podcast, we decided to book a discovery call and haven’t looked back since.

Team Hirsh works quickly and thoroughly. They did a deep dive into our business and learned everything they could about us, our products, and our customers. They helped establish much better funnels by fixing our e-mail sequences, landing pages, opt-ins, and ads. We saw our online sales spike nearly instantly after Team Hirsh began running our facebook and instagram ads.

In fact, Q1 online sales this year tripled compared to Q1 last year. This gives us not only room to breathe financially, but room to be even more innovative! The expertise of Team Hirsh is exponentially more than what we could DIY and way beyond that of other marketers we’ve worked with. We know we are right on the edge of massive growth, and we feel confident because Hirsh Marketing is right there with us. "

Hannah Freese

online weight loss coach

“I feel much more empowered with my Facebook ads and marketing since starting with Team Hirsh. I used to set up my Facebook ads and then cross my fingers that it would work. And to be honest, it was working less and less each month. That’s when I knew I needed help and hired Team Hirsh.

In the last three months, the team has guided me through an organized creation, testing, and decision-making process that has given me a new sense of confidence and competence. No more finger-crossing!
And while I’m thrilled with the early results, I’m most excited about the new skills and support I have going forward. There are going to be up and down moments in sales and marketing, but with Team Hirsh’s support, I know we will adapt, create, and test our way to success no matter what the internet throws at us.”

Mallory Nowak

functional nutritionist

"Having Team Hirsh by my side over the last 6 months has been an absolute game-changer for my humble little nutrition business.

Not only have we created an evergreen strategy that successfully brings in new clients every single week, but we’ve also built a rinse-and-repeat live launch strategy in the form of my 5 Day Challenge for big cash infusions. Best of all, we’ve optimized both of these strategies to completely eradicate the need for sales calls!

It’s been so fun to optimize & scale both of these strategies with the pros at Team Hirsh by my side. Having another set of eyes on my business to ensure my ad copy, creatives, landing pages & emails are all primed for my audience is amazing, and don’t even get me started on what their ad managers (magicians?) do behind the scenes—all I know is my CPL is always very impressive and my list is growing at a rapid pace!

The numbers don’t lie! My conversion rates kick ass and my business is highly profitable, even when I’m not live-launching. This means I can take a much-needed breather between my big live launches and focus on what I’m REALLY here to do, which is serve my clients.

I’m loving this super sustainable business model—thanks Team Hirsh!"

Sonya Siderova

Founder & CEO of Nave’s Analytics Suite

"The team at Hirsh Marketing has amazing professionals! They are all very detail-oriented, and their ideas are truly impressive. They're always eager to go the extra mile to achieve our goals. Their strategies exceed all of my expectations!"

Jereshia Hawk

Income Strategist and Business Coach

"I love that through working with Hirsh, I am able to have a collaborative partnership where my voice is heard & shines through in my advertisements. There is an element of trust that I feel and appreciate in this partnership. I’ve maintained a great return on ad spend working with Team Hirsh and have seen my business continue to grow as a direct correlation. I feel supported knowing that I am working with a team of experts dedicated to helping my company achieve maximum return on investment."

Sandy Connery

Co-Founder + COO

"To have a smart team behind [our marketing strategy] is so refreshing. It’s impossible to manage FB ads and funnels by yourself and the fact that this is off our hands is just so wonderful. Adisa and Maria are both so smart, organized and we love all their advice. We KNOW things will be handled. It kind of feels like they work solely for us because everything is done within minutes of discussing it. Also the creative and the copy are so good! It’s totally different than anything we created ourselves."

Caitlin Scott

CEO Healers Rising

“Team Hirsh has exceeded my expectations. I’ve worked with 3 fairly established ads agencies in the past who got worse results than I was able to achieve on my own. I was hesitant to try one more time, but my gut instinct was that Emily and her team do things differently.

I don’t know how they did it, but our new leads were repeating, almost verbatim, the exact things we knew our ideal clients would be going through inside our Facebook group. Her team provides phenomenal audits on your sales pages, opt-ins, and the resources attached to your launch - ensuring the new leads have a seamless experience from start to finish.

They found our perfect people with their ad targeting and copywriting skills, which I believe led to a perfectly executed launch on both sides. We are excited to continue our journey with Hirsh and have already referred a few of our friends who need a solid team to amplify their messages out to the world, too. Thanks, team Hirsh! We appreciate you!”

Jennifer Kem

Strategic Brand Advisor to Modern Entrepreneurs

Prior to working with Hirsh Marketing, we had some good results. The biggest struggle we had was working with a team that understood marketing strategy, understood what being on brand looked like for me and our company and also not just being tacticians. 

Two things really stand out to me – first being the strategies and having someone on the Hirsh Team that I can speak to and also our Marketing Director speak to brainstorm ideas that support the offers and things we want to do in our business.

Second being – Team Hirsh creative and the copywriting is the bomb!

Our last signature launch of our master brand program ($1,000 product) had a return on ad spend of over 400%. As a result of that, 40% converted to a $15,000 product. Last month alone, we had a $400,000 month. We also have a steady revenue stream for an evergreen funnel with 150-400$ ROAS.
Those were my initial goals – I wanted to test to make sure I have a good launch partner and also working with a company to get us to an evergreen revenue.

If you’re looking for a company that’s collaborative, creative and brings a real point of contact to the table, I think Hirsh Marketing is a fantastic partner.

Abby Walker

CEO of Vivian Lou

"I think with every business owner has a love-hate relationship with Facebook. At times it’s more love and at other times it’s more hate. Oftentimes what would happen was I would be managing my own Facebook ads and hitting between a $16 and it’s $18 CPA consistently. Then I would transition to an agency and they would not be able to maintain that CPA – it would always skyrocket, which was so frustrating. That’s why I kind of went back and forth between agency relationships and managing it myself.

You guys have been able to maintain that CPA at just over a $17 CPA for me, which is phenomenal. No other agency has been able to do that, to scale, my spend and maintain that CPA within the target dollar spend. You guys have also helped me expand internationally. When we first brought you on, we were just focused on the US and now we’re focusing on other areas of the world and you guys have been able to drive significant traffic that way. "

Lindsay Padilla

President of Course Power

"Before working with Team Hirsh I was sitting there with an online course that I knew could help people, and I had cultivated a bit of my own following all using organic strategies. I’ve been able to sell a certain amount of my course to that existing audience, but I was feeling stuck. I was feeling at that point where what I was doing wasn’t going fast enough. It was taking so long to get good leads to build my list. I know I had a good product. I just needed to get it seen in front of more people.

Since joining with you guys, and really putting in place an evergreen funnel that you guys have really helped me scale, I get sales every single day. I’ve been able to go from, I don’t know what my lowest month was, but we’re talking like a couple of sales to five figure months and beyond. Every month since I’ve been working with you guys has been a better month than the last one."

Melissa Ramos

Sexy Food Therapy

Your team did an incredible job right at the beginning doing an audit and I realized that before you I was losing money for over 6 months and my previous ads team was reporting it wrong to me. You found it and brought it to me within one week.

Your team is awesome, I feel very supported and that’s something that I can’t stress enough because as somebody who has been in business for a long time doing the online game one of the major things that I realized that I really required was that I needed to be supported by a team. The ads managers are awesome in the sense that they really think outside the box when it comes to targeting and they’re great with communication. The ads are really beautiful. I love also the fact that you guys test a whole whack of different creative and because I’m such a creative individual. It’s a joy to be able to do that.

The cost per lead this month was like 60 cents for our lead magnet which is almost unheard of. The targeting is big, the content is big, the writing is huge. All of that sums up into one and I’m just really grateful for it. It’s literally the best decision I’ve made.

Sarah & Dillon King

With The Kings Online Course Creator for Entrepreneurs

"We’ve had incredible success working with Emily’ team. One month we spent $7,000 in Facebook Ads and we were able to generate $64,000 in sales, just from the $7,000 in ads.

We are getting $1.77 cost per lead and amazing ROI. We had another month recently where we spent $9,400 and made, where is it, $70,843."

Connie Trowbridge

Women’s Law of Attraction Life Coach

"I started at zero. Nobody knew who I was. We started working together and in the six months that we’ve been working together, I have over 7,000 subscribers now – a massive community and not just a massive community because numbers are great. But what really matters is the quality, it is a highly engaged community that I get to interact, that I get to talk with. And an actual business that supports me and my family, it’s not just a hobby, it’s an actual business.

I can’t even praise you and your company and your business enough because you haven’t just given me a business, you haven’t just given me an income. But you’ve helped me fulfill my calling, my purpose and given me a community to teach and help and guide. And for that, I will forever be grateful.

Without you, Emily, I couldn’t teach other people. I couldn’t turn the traumas that I went through for good. The only reason I’ve been able to help these women, is because of you and your team."

Annie Grace

This Naked Mind, Online Coaching Program

"Our launch was incredible. I don’t even know how you work so fast and so effectively. When we started working together, I hoped to put 50 people in this initial launch of this program. And with Emily’s help, we put 353 people in the program – Over $316,000 in revenue.

You’ve taken the most stressful part of my business last year and turned it into the least stressful part of my business. Your team just handles everything and I feel like I am always in really good hands."

Vanessa Levin

Pre-K Pages Community Support & Education for Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten Teachers

"When we started working together we were at 700, 800 members in our program. Between all of our campaigns since working together we are now at 2,700 members. 

The best part is it’s been pretty effortless on my part, I really feel comfortable that you all are looking out for me and my best interests."

Joshua Smith

GSD Mode – Online Coaching Consulting Company for Real Estate Agents

"I mean, out of the gate, I think in our first 4-6 weeks of working together, which is our first launch, you guys were able to get us better results than I’ve been able to get the 4 years I’ve been doing this. It’s now saving me money, it’s saving me time and is allowing us to scale where we want to scale. Overall, just couldn’t be more stoked, couldn’t be happier."

Emily Aarons

Intuitive Healer and Coach

"Emily and I clicked from the start. She took my strategy and elevated it, then executed a fabulous ad campaign. Emily and her team were always very professional, kind, and easy to work with. I was getting $0.52 per lead and more than doubled my email list in a month. I always highly recommend working with pros if you want to elevate your business and Emily is one of the best!"

Bob Heilig

Founder of Your Virtual Upline

"One morning I woke up and there was over $1,000 worth of money in my account. My first thought is, “Why did I wait so long to do this?” And I mean, we crushed it. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but it was literally like I couldn’t put money in fast enough. I’d put a dollar in, I’d get two dollars out. We 10X-ed it!"

Jessica Zimmerman

Zimmerman Events

"You just know what you were talking about, right off the bat. And the most impressive part about what you do. I gave $100,000 in Facebook ads, and I got $400,000 back. Our first launch together, for every $10 I gave you, you gave me $100 back. And that right there, that’s life changing."

Tracy Mathews

Champion for Visionaries and Creatives

"We had almost 8,000 people registered for the boot camp, and about 6, 830 people in our boot camp Facebook group, which I highly attribute to the ads. We’ve never had that hight of an attendance in the Facebook group. Overall, for our launch numbers, we grew our sales by 20%, which is awesome."

Keenan Jones & David Rosen

Credit Repair Cloud, B2B Tech & SaaS

I think when we were evaluating we looked at a variety of agencies. But what made us determine to go with you, Emily, was that a lot of the other agencies a lot of people had split focuses with their businesses. And what was really attractive about your agency was, and why we ended up going with you, was that your sole focus is Facebook ads, and your core focus is that. And we just love that we get to work with you and you’re so dedicated to your clients.

My favorite part is that it’s kind of hands off approach. We get to hand you guys a funnel, we get to hand you guys a little bit of direction from what we’re thinking, and then you guys are all hands on and do it all from point A to point Z.

So not only were you phenomenal with helping us with that funnel, that one webinar funnel. But that one webinar funnel did magical things, it doubled the growth of our business and it enabled us to get this.

Rob Sperry

Top Network Marketing Coach, The Game of Network Marketing

"I went to all my friends that were 7-figure earners and asked them who they used, what they did, and Emily’s name just kept popping up over and over again. I remember the first ads that you guys ran you tested so may different ones and it’s amazing to see how you guys kept fine-tuning and dialing in for conversion. I went and questioned some of my friends who do Facebook ads they were just telling me ‘I can’t believe you’re getting that great conversion already.’

And then we did $30,000 for my first beta launch with my $297 product and it was an amazing return on my investment. I was always in it for the long game, and in the short game to be profitable while we list built for the long game, that’s a win for me."

Christina Scalera

Founder of

"I dabbled in Facebook ads myself, and it was embarrassing the amount of time I spent trying to figure this stuff out on my own.

So I did what any good entrepreneur would do, I outsourced. Unfortunately the first company I hired was horrible. So I quickly cut my contract short with them and I was really hesitant to jump into ads again. After my call with you Emily, I sat on that for 2 months. But I ended up hiring you and ended up working with your amazing team and since then our revenues are just going through the roof, we’re having sales all the time.

You taught me what it meant not just to have a business, but to have a consistent business.

I think the biggest win was that it was always my dream to have sales every single day, and that wasn’t happening. We would see a random day where we’d get 2 orders and then nothing. I think the biggest win is now that we have a sale at least every day, and we have a pretty high price point, and so to have a sale every single day is really exciting for us."

Anne Paich

Fairies and Frogs Photography

When I started working with Emily and we started Facebook ads I was booked out for three, four months almost immediately. We could turn ads off at that point because I couldn’t handle the business. Then after a lot of thinking and back and forth with the team we created this other brand and start creating digital products. I was totally new to this and had no idea what I was doing. Some weeks we cover all of the ad spend we are spending to grow my list with the funnel we have running, getting $1.40 leads.

My favorite part of working with you guys is that I trust you guys completely. You guys are like, “This is what you have to do,” and that has been just awesome.

Shira Nelson

Founder of Mom Beyond Baby, Online Mom Support & Business Coaching Program

"I was in my fifth year of online business, and doing really well, but just very stagnant and not being able to reach the masses. I needed to get my message out there, and reach more people in a way that worked.

So I had done some Facebook Ads myself, and just being a mom of two toddlers and running this business while being a stay at home mom, that wasn’t working, and then I also hired some other people and had a really negative experience. I was very skeptical, very worried about wasting money, because I had seen that happen. I had heard horror stories, but I was also super overwhelmed with the process, because just going into ads manager freaks me out.

But eventually you came on right as my launch was starting. We had our strategy call and immediately I felt like you knew what you were doing, and I trusted you. Then we started our launch, and the ads just started running, and we just started capturing all of these people. We hit the ground running and we were getting so much traction from the ads, but I didn’t have to worry about it, just knowing that it was in good hands and being taken care of for me, and I could just do what I do best, which is create content.

My biggest win is getting my message out there. My numbers are growing like crazy, I’m getting all of these new women in who have been out there, but they just didn’t know of me yet. And I’m able to do what I do best and help them. My numbers are growing, my social media is growing, my email list has tripled and all in all it feels like a big win."

Mallory Whitmore

Founder and Creator of IEP Guru, Program for Parents of Children with Special Needs

"I am a teacher and I have no prior experience with technology or Facebook ads. I had tried to run some myself and, literally, I ran an ad for a webinar and I had nine people sign up. My sales were low, too. I had one sale before I started working with you, so I just realized that if I wanted to give it a fair shot I had to get the product in front of more people and that’s what you all have helped me do. I’ve been really thankful for that.

Since I’ve been working with Team Hirsh, I’ve had consistently anywhere from 80 to 100 people signing up on the webinar each week, which is amazing. It’s growing my email list as a result, with everybody signing up for the webinar, and the cost registration for high quality leads has been anywhere from $1.50 to $2.25.

My favorite part is how frequently I can email the people on your team and how quickly they get back to me. I knew that I would get the Facebook ad support from you guys, but also getting insight about my follow-up email sequence and insight about my landing page, insight about what the webinar looks like and how I transition into the sales portion of it and all of that. I didn’t expect all of that and it’s been really helpful. It’s clear that you all really want me to be successful and I really appreciate that."

Bethany Jacobs

Doula, Sleep & Lactation Consultant

"Before I started working with you I had just created my sleep course. It was a DIY sleep program. I was doing consults, individual consults with moms, but I hadn’t yet launched this program.

I launched it, it wasn’t a major flop but I wanted more. I had reached out and I was talking to you guys and you told me your price and I was like, “Oh, man, that’s a lot money.” I was like, “I just made that from my launch, I don’t know if I can spend it all. I wanted to keep some of that.” I had to get over that mindset. I was like, “I have to spend money to make money and if I don’t do that, I can’t handle Facebook ads. They are way over my head.” And if I wanted to focus on my content and what I was actually creating for my clients and focus on my clients themselves with my consults, things like that, then I needed someone to help me.

We got on the phone and you looked at everything I had going and you told me I was undercharging, I needed to fix it and that you could help me. We re-worked a lot. Now we’re heading into our fifth month together and my business is really starting to boom. Not only do I have funnels set up with my webinar, and we’re starting new ones which is really exciting, but I feel like I am actually getting into peoples’ newsfeeds that people know me. I am getting 1:1 consults from people that I never would have spoken to before, simply because you’ve given me different strategies. It’s not just about the funnel, it’s about making myself present and with the live streams and things like that … Then with you guys boosting them and helping me to get onto their pages, to get in their faces so they can know me.

Before working with Emily I wasn’t making any money, I was barely breaking even. Now I am consistently over $2000 or $3000 every month of profit. Consistently. Your whole team is amazing."

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